Shepherd of a Varied Flock
Shepherd of a varied flock,
Sing praise, O Lord, to Thee.
Black-robed, in silence,
khakied chaplain
(chopper blades roar)
shirt-sleeved now in
concrete jungle ,OSA to SOB.
Sing praise,my soul, to Thee.
Shepherd of assassins
and seekers,
students and priests,
those touched by evil
and those steeped in it,
of the spoiler and the spoiled,
Sing praise my soul, to Thee.
Companion of those perched on the verge
of adulthood, wings outstretched,
and those old beyond their years;
the despairing and the faith filled
both, Monastery to marriage bed.
Sing praise, O Lord, to Thee.
Keyboard pulpit (the Word
springing to birth)
Coffeeshop confessional
bringing absolution and peace,
showing the Way
to the newborn baptized
in water and hope,
to the reborn,
baptized in blood ,
thrust into the depths of the tomb
and resurrected in Pascal mystery,
Sing praise, my soul, to Thee.
Led through the desert,
sustained by heavenly fare
a taste and a sip, yet enough -
the feeder, fed,
the wounded healed.
Traces of grace shimmer
and dapple the dark path,.
Shepherd of a varied flock,
sing praise, my soul, of thee.
A poem for Bill Mahedy written for his 28th ordination anniversary on 9 Feb 1991
by Louise Buck