Psalm 121:5
The Lord himself watches over you;
The Lord is your shade at your right hand.
Oscar Romero
(1917-1980) was the fourth Archbishop of San Salvador. "There was nothing his background to suggest that ehe would challenge the status quo" - the rich and the powerful were delighted as his appointment as Archbishop. Ad yet, as ever "the blood of the martyrs is the the seed of the church "and one of the events that prompted Archbishop Romero to become "the voice of the voiceless" was the assassination of a fellow Jesuit priest who was dedicated to social justice. And speak out he did, against poverty, social injustice, assassination, and torture. He also pleaded, unsuccessfully,with the American government to stop military aid to his country.
The day before he died he said radio broadcast,"in the name of God, in the name of our tormented people whose cries rise up to heaven, I beseech you, I beg you, I command you: stop the repression.”
The nest day, on March 24, 1980 he had just finished his homily and was on his way back that altar wherein he would elevate the bread and wine at the Offertory, he was shot through the heart and died.
Pray for the Church and the people of El Salvador
Pray for com-passion for all
in need, for social justice, for the poor
and the oppressed, and for an end to violence.