The Venite

made it
I had started the Venite - that hymn that has begun Morning Prayer for thousands of people for thousands of years in monasteries and convents and hermitages, in cathedrals and parish churches and homes, and I stopped at this phrase and this particular picture came to me. I have stopped here so many times! that I thought it could not be the verse. So I silently said “Let me know if this is really it” and tentatively went on. Having inquired, the antiphon on the psalm for the morning made me laugh: “You will answer me, O Lord, my God...” OK. "Today if you hear his voice, harden not your heart” it says somewhere in the New Testament , so I am surely not the first to rest in this psalm verse. (The Venite is actually Palm 95) ... So that was it. And I went back to it. As I sat with this phrase, this time, I was drawn to the beginning of Genesis... The land was divided from the water on the third day, on the fourth day , the sun was created, along with the moon and the stars, and the fishes you see here on the fifth day of the 7 days of creation. I speak here not literally but poetically, for the Bible does not teach science, but truth. I think of this verse and I see the ocean as I know and love it, but “in the beginning the earth was a formless void ,while a wind from God swept over the waters.” Not what I had in mind! I finished my meditation and came in here do my daily post. When I actually brought up the picture ,I had to simile because it’s all there - the sea, the sun, the fishes and seaweed.... The sea is God's for he made it and it is good.