Tieoplo Sky

Tieoplo Sky
Tiepolo Clouds

Thursday, September 1, 2016

David Pendleton Oakerhater, also known as O-kuh-ha-tuh and Making Medicine, 1847- 1931 was a captive Cheyenne warrior and spiritual leader, who became an Episcopal deacon, missionary to his own people and an artist.

                                                                                    Psalm 37:5


Put your trust 
in the Lord
and do good; 
dwell in the 
land and feed 
on its riches. 
Liberate us, who 
commemorate him today, from bondage to self, & empower us for service to you  &  
to the neighbors you 
have given us 

The answer from many of you is yes!
I love you a bushel and a peck. 
a bushel and a peck a
and a hug around the neck, 
a hug around the neck
A bushel and a peck 
and a barrel and a heap 
and Im takin in my sleep about you,  
doodle de doodoo de doo doo
 about you, you only you. 
Oh I love you a bushel and a peck, 
a bushel and a peck, I do. 

Yes, I LOVE that old song! I think it was from "Guys and Dolls" and I can hear the singer's voice in my head right now! Debby P

Yes I do a good old song. I don't remember all of the words, but I've heard it sung many times. I'll revive it and sing it to you.
Lovingly, Jeff W 

I sing it to both grandkids when they are going to bed! 
Anne K 

Hi Louise We sang it around our house growing up, too! Out of curiosity, I looked it up, and it turns out it's from Guys and Dolls. The original production was on Broadway from 1950 through 1953. So I was 12 when it started and my siblings at that time were 6, 3, and a few months old. It must have been my Dad who sang it to us, because he could sing and always sang on long car trips. I remember Mom saying it to us. Thanks for the wonderful memories! Love, Jan D

I do know that song! But I only know it to a point - “…and a hug around the neck.” Now that you’ve brought it to mind, I’m going to hunt up the rest of the words.  :)   Carol M. 

The only thing I remember is “…and a hug around the.” Mary McC….

Louise - I do remember-- barely! More precisely, that is really looking back a long way, about as far back as I can remember!! Thank you!  Bob K

Yes.....and I could sing all the words........a fun song with lots of affection.   M.

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