The span
of our life
is 70 years,
perhaps in
even 80;
but they
pass away
quickly &
are gone.
So teach us to number our days
that we may apply our hearts to wisdom.
* Clare, Abbess of Assisi, 1253
a follower of Francis. And
* Florence Nightingale, (1820-1910) (two Iralian ladies!) social Reformer and the founder of modern nursing (two Italian ladies!) whose day is

Hah! If you are an
Episcopalian who reads the Daily Office you will know that I have
been a week ahead of myself ever
since I came home! Stay tuned and
I’ll do LAST week NEXT week!
Episcopalian who reads the Daily Office you will know that I have
been a week ahead of myself ever
since I came home! Stay tuned and
I’ll do LAST week NEXT week!
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