Canticle 18: Dignus es
and honor
and kingly power are yours by right, O Lord our God, for you created everything that is & by your will they
were created & have their being,
St Augustine of Canterbury Justin Welby
The current Arch-bishop of Canter-bury , the 104th, is Justin Welby.
(The ones I have been aware of are Michael Ramsey, beginning in 1961, Robert Runcie, George Carey, and Rowan Williams. I don’t’ remember who it was, but one of them, when asked what the prerson should call him. quipped, “Oh just call me your amazing grace!” Katherine Jefferts Schori

Humor and playfulness being for me one of the defining marks of the presence of the Holy Spirit, I loved that!) The current Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church in America (I guess Archbubble didn’t sound democratic enough!)! is Katherine Jefferts Schori. She is the 26th and the first woman. Her 9 year term is up this year and she will not seek re-election so a new PB will be elected at General Convention. “ Under church law, presiding bishops must be able to complete a full nine-year term before hitting the mandatory retirement age of 72, limiting candidates to those under age 63 at next year’s convention.”
Pray for the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Church
of England as well as all the churches in the Anglican Communion worldwide.