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Thursday, March 28, 2013

Maundy Thursday foot washing

                                                                       John 13:8

Peter said 
to him, “You will never wish my feet.: Jesus an-swered “Unless I wash you, 
you have no  share with me.”

While in the past Francis’ predecessors washed the feet of priests in the Basilica of St John Lateran -  the most important of the four major basilicas in Rome -- Francis chose to kneel down before young offenders at the Casal del Marmo Penitentiary Institute for Minors, a continuation of a tradition he began ias Archibishop of Argentina.
sThe group of 12 young people who had their feet washed and kissed by the pope included two young women - the first time a pope included females in the rite. Tanks you NBC News.

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