Tieoplo Sky

Tieoplo Sky
Tiepolo Clouds

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

                                              __________________________Psalm 119:165_











     for  them there is no stumbling block.


Yesterday, we commemorated William Tyndale, a English priest whose goal was toranslate the Holy Scripture into he language of the people. This was not pleasing to those in power at the time and he was burned at the stake in 1530. However, 80% of his work later found it’s way into the King James Bible of 1611. Today you be more likely mocked or  ignored than than burned, but making the WORD understandable and accessible is the work of each age. 


The word LAW in Scripture is not some prudish,  constricted understanding, not mere intellectual assent or compliance. Our Christian understanding is that the LAW is summed up, completed, shown forth in Jesus who IS the very love ofGod enfleshed. It’ s not about following rules, but a Person. Ther is no stubling block because we have a hand to hold.

Need a pick-me-up? 

Join us at St David’s Live on Facebook for Morning Prayer Wednesday at 9am, (and Sunday 10:30 )  Evening Prayer, Tuesdays for 8pm and/or Thursdays at 8:30pm for Compline, which is the short bedtime prayer of the church. 

One great thing about virtual worship is that the lack travel time involved!  And you can catch it later!

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